Shivkumar KV, Born 1982 in Vijayawada, India, is a Multidisciplinary artist who works in Painting, Sculpture, Collage, Video, Photography, Writing, Art Teaching etc. He moves to and fro with in this mediums simultaneously.
Studied BFA - Painting major and Printmaking minor from Pottisriramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad in 2005 and MFA - Painting from Bodhi College Banglore (Karnataka open University) in the year 2015. He also passed UGC NET in Visual arts in 2015.
Shivkumar works on the themes which inspires from his local Surroundings. Contemporary issues and cause we're often shown in his works.
He was deeply admired by the teachers at college. Mural, Miniature, Egg Tempera, photorealistic works of arts were his favorite studies amongst the academics. He topped in Undergraduation in Painting. He held and Participated in many Solo and Group exhibitions internationally. He works as teacher and do art beside the tight job schedule.
Shivkumar K V, né en 1982 à Vijayawada, en Inde, est un artiste multidisciplinaire qui travaille dans la peinture, la sculpture, le collage, la vidéo, la photographie, l'écriture, l'enseignement des arts, etc. Il va et vient avec ce médium simultanément.
Shivkumar K V, nacido in 1982 in Vijayawada, India, is a multidisciplinary artist who works in pintura, escultura, collage, video, fotografía, escritura, Ensñanza de arte, etc. Mueve from aquí para allá en este medio simultáneamente.
Estudió BFA - Especialista en pintura y grabado menor de la Universidad Pottisriramulu Telugu, Hyderabad in 2005 y MFA - Pintura de Bodhi College Banglore (Universidad abierta de Karnataka) en el año 2015. También pasó UGC NET en Artes visuales in 2015.
Shivkumar trabaja en los temas that is inspired by local alrededores. Problemas contemporáneos y causa a menudo se nos muestra en plus obras. Profoundly admired for the profesores of the university. Mural, Miniatura, Tempera de huevo, obras de arte fotorrealistas fueron sus estudios favoritos entre los académicos.
Él encabezó en Undergraduation in Painting. Realizó participated in numerosas individual exhibitions and collectives at international level. Trabaja como maestro y hace arte al lado del apretado horario de trabajo.
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